Saturday, July 14, 2012

Pause For A Moment

Sometimes I just need to take a break from people. When I start feeling like what I say or share, is being ignored or not considered good enough to listen to, that's my signal to break things off for a bit, before I start believing that it is I who is not good enough.

Taking care of our emotional health, is just as important as watching what we eat. I would even go further and say that if we don't take care of our emotional health, it won't matter how healthy we eat. Attitude accounts for soooooo much!!!

I also have found, that sometimes, taking those much needed breaks from people, helps me to see things much more clearly. Sometimes I come up with ways that I can handle things better. Sometimes I realize that I just need to stop banging my head against the proverbial brick wall and cut my losses. As always, if you have to cut ties with someone, it's always a good idea (again, for your own emotional well being) to never do it in anger or frustration. Every relationship was there for a reason. Not all relationships will last forever, but certainly the good that has come out of knowing someone, does. Realize that everything happens for a reason and it is always with our best interest in mind.

So instead of feeling defeated and unworthy or unwanted... I'm going to take a much needed break. I don't need to keep pushing myself on others, if indeed, perhaps they've seen that I no longer fit in their lives (yes, it works both ways). I also don't need to go around feeling like I'm stupid or have nothing worth contributing to others or be viewed as not having anything worth listening to. It's not about someone following any suggestions or ideas that I've made, it's the lack of respect that I feel, for what I may share, that has hurt me.

What I know for sure is... I am a good person and I don't need to rely on anyone else to confirm that. Either they see it, or they don't. And even if they don't, it doesn't mean that I'm not worthy enough as a wife, a mother, a daughter or a friend... it just means, that I may be with the wrong person(s). No one should struggle to fit in.

I like myself, just the way I am. I am who I am and I am proud of what I have accomplished in my life. That needs to be good enough and relationships are just the icing, on all of that.

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