Saturday, April 14, 2012

Feeling Old

It's not turning 55 that bothers me, it's the "feeling" old that bothers me. Last week, I got my first pair of bi-focals and suddenly I could see... apparently too well it seems. I could see the wrinkles lining my face, I could see the tiredness in my eyes. Of course there are other "symptoms" of aging, aren't there? There is that wonderful forgetful memory that we all joke about. We've heard those stories when we were younger and suddenly we realize, hey, they're real!!! As women, going thru menopause, there's always the lovely weight gain. (I'm rolling my eyes here). For me, that's been one of the hardest things to deal with. I am only 5'3 and have always struggled to put on weight. Imagine your surprise when so subtly the weight sneaks in and settles around your tummy, your thighs or your bum. One day you put on your favorite pair of jeans and see the fat rolls!!! Oh the horror of it all. You then go clothes shopping and the more you try on, the more you realize that you are soooooo out of shape, it's not acceptable.

Well, welcome to my world. So this is sorta my journal, to share those horrid moments of reality and yet, not so I can stay there, but rather so I can be motivated to change what I can and accept what I can't and still.... Be Happy with me. I plan to share that journey with you... so grab a cuppa tea or coffee and sit down (or go for a walk with me) as I explore the art of aging and hopefully more gracefully than apparently I have been, up until now.